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A Comprehensive Guide, to Sonography


Sonography, also known as ultrasound imaging plays a role in medical diagnostics. This guide aims to provide an understanding of what sonography entails its significance in diagnosis and insights for patients on interpreting their results.

What is Sonography?

Definition and Overview
Sonography refers to a medical imaging technique that utilizes frequency waves to generate images of internal body structures. It is a invasive procedure commonly used for examining organs within the abdomen, blood vessels and tissues.

How It Works

During a procedure a small device called a transducer is employed to emit waves into the body. These waves bounce off structures. Are then captured by the transducer, which converts them into visual images.

The Importance of Sonography

As a Diagnostic Tool Sonography plays a role in 

  • Examining organs like the liver, kidneys and gallbladder.
  • Monitoring fetal development during pregnancy.
  • Assessing blood flow in arteries and veins.
  • Assisting in procedures such as needle biopsies.
  • Advantages Over Other Imaging Techniques
  • Sonography offers advantages compared to imaging methods
  • It is non invasive and does not expose patients to ionizing radiation.
  • Real time imaging capability makes it valuable, for guiding specific medical procedures.
  • It is safe to undergo sonography while pregnant.
When’s it advisable to have a sonography?

Sonography’s suggested for different diagnostic and monitoring reasons, such, as;
Regular check ups, during pregnancy.
Assessing symptoms associated with the abdomen, pelvis or blood vessels.
Monitoring the well being and growth of organs and tissues.


Understanding Your Sonography Results

Normal Results
• Organ Size and Structure; The organs appear normal, in size and structure.
• Blood Flow; The blood flow in the arteries and veins is normal.
• Fetal Ultrasound; The development and position of the fetus is normal.

Abnormal Results
• Organ Abnormalities; There are signs of conditions such as cysts, tumors or stones affecting the organs.
• Blood Flow Issues; There are abnormalities in blood flow that could indicate blockages.
• Fetal Concerns; Any abnormalities in development or health are noted.

Patient Friendly Explanation

The results will be explained to you using language focusing on the area examined and any important findings. In case of results we will discuss the steps and treatment options with you.

Benefits and Risks of Sonography

• It is an painless procedure with no side effects.
• It provides images of tissues that may not be visible on X rays.
• It offers a invasive alternative to exploratory surgery.

There are no risks associated with sonography.

Our Laboratorys Method

We make use of cutting edge sonography technology to ensure the comfort and informed state of our patients throughout the procedure.

Contact Details
If you would like information or wish to schedule a sonography please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Sonography is an safe tool that plays a vital role, in various medical applications. Understanding the findings from a sonography is essential, for healthcare management. If you require information or want to book a sonography please reach out to our team.

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